Ingredient Spotlights
A brief overview of the benefits of each individual ingredient giving a deeper understanding of how the serums work together as a collective solution.
Silvermoon Restoratives
Silvermoon Restoratives ESTD 2016
Aloe Vera
~Known as the penetration enhancer
~Absorbs 4x faster than water
~Has unique ability to stimulate cell renewal
~Penetrates all 7 layers of the skin
~Accelerates skin repair
~Boosts immune system function
~Increases blood flow to the area
~Loaded with essential nutrients and fatty acids
~Anti-inflammatory, Anti-biotic, Anti-viral, Anti-fungal, Anti-pruitic (anti-itching)
~Protects skin from oxidative stress
~Hydrates skin
~Immortelle, known historically as "the fountain of youth"
~Rich in antioxidants that are highly active in low doses
~Anti-inflammatory, Anti-catarrhal, Anti-coagulant, Anti-viral, Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-Spasomadic
~Major scar healer also reducing the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks
~Blocks UV-light damage and protects against radiation-induced DNA damage
~Speeds cellular restoration
~Hydrates skin
~Helps slow/stop bleeding of minor cuts
~Reduces pain and swelling
~Supports healing of nerves, joints, and muscle
~Stress and burnout relief
~Treats burns, chapped skin, acne, wounds, rashes, bruises, wrinkles, scars, aches, and pains
~Helps the body detox from toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, and air pollution.
St. John's Wort
~Penetrates deep into the dermal layer and stimulates collagen and elastin production, the building blocks of our skin.
~Calms nerve ending and aids them in recovery
~Anti-inflammatory, Anti-Septic, Anti-Viral, Astringent
~Rich in antioxidants
~Controls oily skin
~Increases blood flow to the area, speeds up tissue recovery
~Fights free radicals destructive effects and protects DNA
~Treats burns, blisters, rashes, cold sores, herpes, shingles, stings, and bruises
~Assists in relief of muscle strain, tension, and nerve pain
~Cell regeneration and cell protection
~Fades acne, scars, and stretch marks
~Stimulates the immune system
~Helps repair sun damage
~Anti-aging properties
~Tightens skin
~Anti-catarrahal, Immunostimulant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-viral, Antiseptic
~Soothes dry skin, including dry irritated eczema
~Calms nerces
~Soothes joint and muscle pain
~Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-septic, Anti-inflammatory
~Promotes skin regeneration
~Minimizes scar tissue
~Excellent skin moisturizer
~Treats rashes, burns, sores, ulcers, and skin problems associated with radiation therapy
~Gentle enough to treat and prevent diaper rash and heat rashes on baby's tender skin
~Anti-againg, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-convulsant, Anti-bacterial, Anti-Viral, Anti-Fugal, Anti-Microbial, Astringent, Anti-septic, Immunostimulant, Insect Repellant
~Increases circulation; speeds up cell renewal process
~Regenerates skin by helping recycle dead skin cells
~Treats burns, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, cellulite, acne, aches, pains, fades scars, stretch marks, and wrinkles
~Controls oily skin, also aids with hormonal imbalance
~Detoxifying effects on the skin
~Helps slow/stop bleeding of minor wounds by causing the contraction of blood vessels
~Brings a radiant glow to the skin
~Anti-inflammatory and Anti-bacterial
~Increases circulation, sends white blood cells to the area, and speeds up cell renewal process
~Calms and soothes irritated skin
~Encourages hair growth, including stimulating NEW hair growth
~Helps remove waste and excess fluid from the area
~Treats bruises, aches, pains, sprains, arthritis flareups, insect bites, muscle fatigue, eczema, chapped lips, dandruff, and broken blood vessels
Lavender Spike
~Natural occurring camphor (25% camphor) gives it extra pain relief qualities vs regular lavender
~anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant, anti-convulsant, anti-histamine, anti-mutagenic, disinfectant, analgesic, cell regenerating, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, immunostimulant, anti-spasomadic
~Increases circulation
~Stimulates hair groth
~Warming effect on the skin (Lavender Spike)
~Helps slow/stop bleeding of minor cuts
~Soothes redness, itching, and swelling
~Burns, stings, eczema, cold sores, insect repellant, wounds, dandruff, dry skin, rashes, and allergies
~Kills hair parasites
Colloidal Silver
~Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, astringent
~Small molecules penetrate deep into the skin
~Speeds up the healing process of the skin
~Tightens and tones skin
~Excellent for wound repair (skin regeneration)
My own wound healing experience